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About me

Born in Guadeloupe in 1978, Carine Michaux is a multidisciplinary painter who spent more than 15 years immersed in the world of fashion and luxury, working for major houses such as Georges Rech, Mugler, Galliano... Nourished by her sense of color and her aesthetic sensibility, she acquired solid skills in the design of creative projects during her dual career as a fashion and graphic designer in Paris. ​


Limited in her creativity by technical and commercial constraints, she decided to leave the textile industry. In 2015, she then followed a training course in Image Consulting which broadened her skills in colorimetry and coaching techniques. This approach reinforces her in her desire to transmit and help others to cultivate their open-mindedness and to take a positive look at themselves.


On the strength of this career, in 2017 she materialized a project that is particularly close to her heart. Through a Peruvian NGO " Superlearner Peru Project ", she leads on her own, painting workshops on T-shirts and fabrics, with children from a disadvantaged area of ​​Lima, the favela of "Pamplona Alta”, in Peru. This experience, rich in emotions, convinced her definitively of her vocation, to transmit self-love through art.


Back in Guadeloupe in 2018, she decided to train in Art therapy in order to consolidate her achievements. Today, she shares her vision of art through the practice of Vibratory Painting. A liberating process that reveals our inner movements...

my artistic vision

" Through my Art, I explore the mysterious world of the subtle. I materialize a sacred space, free of all interpretations where everyone sees their own mirror. Color plays a key role here because it expresses and transmits a vibration that puts us face to face with our feelings.



I paint intuitively. It's all in the feeling of the moment. My inspiration comes from everything that vibrates inside, and all around me. By disregarding the rational mind, I open the door of my unconscious and I dive into the depths of my soul, in order to exteriorize my inner fire and make it palpable.



Then I observe, I contemplate and I analyze. The eye is for me the lamp that illuminates. It allows us to see and communicate information and messages about ourselves. Transform the invisible into the visible, reconnect the spiritual and the material, in order to evolve positively. "


Septembre 2023

October 2021

March 2021

Décember 2020

November 2020

Décember 2019

November 2019

August 2019

June 2019

Décember 2018

Maïssane Design :  (Abu Dhabi)


Les Murs Galeries : " Octobre rose " Pôle Caraîbes Airport (Guadeloupe)


CHCBE : Art Therapy exhibition  (Guadeloupe)


Les Murs Galeries : " Métamorphose " Pôle Caraîbes Airport (Guadeloupe)


WhoOosh Virtual Exhibition :  (Dominique)


Lili Galerie : (Guadeloupe)


Auberge de la Vieille Tour :  " Poétic Arty " (Guadeloupe)


Capes Art :  (Guadeloupe)


Pool Art Fair :  " Fresque collective avec les enfants " (Guadeloupe)


Art Ruche :  " Art Shop " (Guadeloupe)

professional trainings

2019 - 2020

2013 - 2014

1999 - 2001

1996 - 1999

PROFAC - Art-Thérapy


ESR - Image Consultant


CRÉAPÔLE ESDI - Visual communication

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